An Wato Guinea, Det!

So we're doing it- heading back to Guinea. Stay tuned for details of our journey back to a place we love.

Friday, July 13, 2007

More Photos From the Buffalo Range and Beyond

Carlos and Lauren sent some more photos from their visit with us. Enjoy!

(Click on the photos to get the original size- I still haven't figured out how to get the posted versions bigger...)

An Elk at the National Bison Range. Those antlers were even bigger than they appear to be in this photo. What an amazing sight!

Fawn at the Bison Range.

Matt at a store/restaurant right outside the park where they serve (you guessed it!) buffalo burgers

Matt, Lauren and me at our house

Morel (one of our 3 kitties) in our yard which often feels like a National Cat Range

Lauren and Carlos on Mt. Jumbo


Shamalama said...

Technically a baby antelope is called a calf not a fawn. Sheesh, Californians! hehe

So I have access to your blog now. Better keep it interesting! ;)

Annie said...

They're baby deer, I swear!

Anyway, glad to know that you're here in blog-world shaking things up. I'd expect nothing else from you.

Best of luck in Japan. Can't wait to hear about your life there. Keep us posted.